He was born in Milan in July 1957.

After few days he moves to Bulciago in Brianza and after some years he moves to Barzago, where he actually lives.
His artistic experience grows through several activities, tangible and not, following with interest and various experimentation the evolution and progress of technology in different fields.

Short biography

Short biography

  • International After Urban University of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, USA
  • Collection Video Art Expo Tineretului Park Bucharest –  Romania
  • BAC! 07 Babylon International ArtExpo Collection
  • CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona – España
  • Digital Long Island Media Festival International Art Expo Collection – New York
  • International Video Art Festival at the Cultural Center of Spain – El Salvador
  • Urban identity – Video Art  event at Monkeytown in  Williamsburg, New York
  • Liquid identities – Video Art event at the Micro Museum in Brooklyn – New York, USA
  • Attitude Festival Video – Gallery Magaza – Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
  • Video Art & Architecture event – Klaipeda, Lithuania
  • Light and color – Video istallazione galleria il Chiostro – Saronno
  • Massive Media – Video Art & Architecture event at Area 57 Studios, Miami
  • Il Sogno – Video istallazioni in container – Monza, Italia
  • Liquid Cities – Video Art at the National Center for Contemporary arts, Moscow
  • Attitude Festival Video – Gallery Magaza – Bitola, Republic of Macedonia